spring time from Rome

  We remember the words of Mother Foundress    describing her experience on the renewal of the Church ... She seemed to be in the squares of Rome hearing challenging words calling for renewal: ... "obedience, obedience, poverty, poverty, poverty, recollection, silence, silence, fidelity, fidelity, fidelity to the Holy Law of the Lord". (cf. PR 55) And what we do hear in these first days of the pontificate of the Pope Francisco?:”Take care of fragile and last, care of creation, steward the thirsty, take care one of another, poverty, poverty, poverty, solidarity, solidarity, confess Christ crucified, our strength, follow Him ....” The joy, the welcoming, is mixed with a silent voice of the consciences: the Pope invites us with the words of Jesus and we do not want to let them blow away. ..



Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:32